Success in the Field of Psychotherapy

Medications and therapy are both integral parts of the treatment for mental disorders, psychiatrists say. Psychotherapy may be used in a variety of mental problems that are encountered in psychiatry. However, nowadays, many patients do not prefer to go to their therapy session because it is deemed to be time-consuming and lengthy. The misconceptions regarding this type of treatment are also influenced by media. Most men and women would be contented in taking the medications that are prescribed by their doctors. Even with the severe side effects of Zoloft many people still continue to use it to treat their mood disorders.
Contrary to popular belief, therapy is not only for those who have mental problems. Even those are not mentally ill may visit a therapist if they are going through a rough stage in their life that they are not able to deal with. Verbal and nonverbal communication is used during treatment. Many are unaware of the benefits that they will receive when the go to their therapy sessions, according to a psychiatric survey. Thus, giving out the needed information about it may encourage many people to give it a try, experts on psychiatry say. This therapeutic way of communications may be done by in a one-on-one setting, by pair or groups.
Benefits from this type of treatment are the following:
  • Unlike medications, this kind of treatment does not have any side effects and most problems may be resolved by just talking it out.
  • Goal-oriented and makes the person focus on a specific goal that needs to be accomplished in a specific period of time.
  • Problem-solving skills are learned in the process of reaching the goals.
  • It is a collaborative effort from both the psychotherapist and the patient.
  • Developing a deeper understanding of oneself and others. Relating to others may also be developed.
However, each person may react differently to any kind of cure that they may encounter in which some might gain progress while others may not. Most psychiatrists believe that combining medications and therapy may yield better results than just taking antidepressants alone. Information about Zoloft may be found at
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